Welcome to Project Kiiro Saru!
Hi everyone
Your probably wondering what my blog is about, so I'll get it out of the way so you can go read someone elses if it doesn't interest you...
Dont all leave pls lol
The basic concept of this blog is to keep track of the rebuilding of my 1991 Honda Civic EG5 hatchback, from working car, to shell, to erm better working track slag ;)
Sound intresting?
A short history for you:
Ive been into messing with cars since an early age, my dad used to mess with cars in the 60's and 70's, and would always rope myself and my older brother into helping do oil changes etc as we grew up. So it was only natural that when we were both old enough to drive we caught the bug.
For me - it was Honda 1992-1995 (EG) Civic hatchback, I love them!
I bought my 1st in september 2001, a black 1992 K plate EG6 VTi and over the next few years leant more about the car and loved it to bits
My old black munkee Civic VTi.
But even by late 2003, and with plans still on going with my VTi, I had decided in the future I would love a project to test my own skills and knowledge!
I wont bore you too much with the to'ing and fro'ing and 1000's of ideas I had over the next year or more but lets just say by August 2005 I had finaly settled on one:
A Carnival Yellow track Civic
The following mods and parts have been picked up or done over the last 8 months lets just say i get lucky with car parts ;)
B16B EK9 Engine and gear box
5 stud conversion
ITR and EK9 alloys
ITR steeirng rack
ITR suspension
ITR front 24mm A/R bar
Std rear 16mm A/R bar
NSX calipers with 282mm front disks
MB6 calipers with 262mm rear disks
Fully stripped out shell
Black VTi Dash and dials
JDM tail gate
JDM Rear spoiler with brake light
Lots of other cool JDM bits and mods too small to mention now but will mention later.
Finished off with my usual zero regard for what anyone thought of it, only that it would be MY ultimate EG civic so :P to you all lol!
So 1st a good base car was needed, which turned out to be a very early (1991 J reg registered) Milano Red ESi EG5. With its 1.6 SOHC (vtech y0! ;) ) engine, disks all round, and £250 price tag it was a bargian I couldnt pass up (one of a great many).
Aww bless look how std it was (picture at the top)
Thats my JDM Munkee in the passenger seat, hes currently running 29psi of boost ;)
My ickle D16Z6, it ran fine for all of 5 mins once i put the right amounts of oil and coolant in it 0_0
It didnt last long within hours the engine was out and being sold off, and over the next few months slowly (its cold in winter you know and im incessently lazy) the interior came out, the sound deadening was painstakingly removed and sanded down, and lots and lots of mods where bought for the usual "Chris_Gee" prices ;)
And thus the car ended 2005 alot diffrent to how it had started it, with a new owner, and a radicaly diffrent "look" lol
Inside the cockpit!
And the engine bay
Yay lots of strippageness!
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