Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Day 5-10 Sorry its been so long....

Yet again i must start with an apology.....


Posting the last few days has been a none event, at first i lost my interweb access, and then over the wkend i had people over and just didnt have any time whatso ever to get online let alone post!

So let me get you all up to date:

Day 5:

Well i had planned on taking it easy - and too right i did :D

Got me some paint and cleaning products form town, and then spent roughtly 6 hours cleaning the engine bay and drivers door (cant get to the passenger one due to the side of the hosue being in the way :P) and ohhh they are sooo spanky!

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I didnt bother using any "cleaning" products or anything, ive used a good few of them in the past and found them a waste of money - so it was just soapy water and a lot of hard scrubbing and graft! i think it was worth it!

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I Also used some white spirit oto get the glue gunk off the drivers door, and more on the front slam pannel to get masses of over spray off it from a previouse bad spray job.

My dad also made a start on the tiny bits of rust on the rear arches!

Day 6 - The big spray!

The day was a hot one, a mate came over to help with some clenaing and spray work, which ment i got to do my least favorite job ever - sanding down! booooo hisss it is SOOOOOO dull.... i would much rather be bolting bits together but what can ya do...

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As you can see... i love doing it so...

Anyway we got to spraying the door handel's, door mirrors, the rear arches, and the front bumper grills.

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Mirrors and door handles now looking spnaky, but still needed a little more work so my mate took them home with him to finish off over the wkend.

We also sorted all the little rust patches on the car:

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It was also the end of the ESi, it went to the big scrap yard in the sky on the back of a trailer - thanks for the memorys ESi!

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Thnaks to Chris Ellis for taking the piccys!

Day 7 - The re-build begins!

So so much to do, so so little time, with the wkend looming - and plans made to get the engine in on day 8 - i had a hell of alot to get done today so i made an early start - alarm set of 7am - and by 7:05 i was in the garage making a start!

So i started off by laying everything into the garden into its own sections.

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I figured it would make life easier to find parts if all assosiated parts had there own area, and for the most it worked!

So i started by getting the ESi's fuel tank, and fuel/brake lines fitted, easy enough job realy, and then while i was at it, i made a start on fitting the rear hubs, brakes and connecting everything up.

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However with my memory beign as bad as it is, i keep having to re-learn how parts went on, and in which order - so i fitted and removed and re-fitted parts over and over which was annoying but thats life i guess.

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I also took the opertunity to clean and re-underseal the rear arches anbd all under the back end.

By the end of the day i had one rear hub fully fitted, the fuel lines, the fuel tank, brake lines, hand/parking brake cables all bolted up and ready to go for the engine on day 8..

Sorry for the lack of pictures only i did take more but my camera has decided to screw them all up :(

Day 8 - The B16B cometh!

Well firday i had my good freind ben gray stay over so we could make an early start on the project - due to not getting everything done on day 7 i had much to do before the engine could go in!

So the interior/ecu loom, front sub frame, steering rack, all the brake lines, MBC, clutch lines etc all went in! Btw we also found out that the Dx sub frame was never ment to hold a Power steering rack - so ive had to adapt" it to hold my teg rack - one of many "DX" odd qwirks we discovered as the day went on!

And by 10:30ish we where ready to start putting the engine in, at this point my other mate ben had come over to help - yay two bens it was hardly confusing when asking "ben" to pass me a screwdriver or 12mm socket lol

Fortunatly on thursday (day 7) myself and my brother had gone and borrowed a better engine crane, and i had lost all hope in the 1950's crane of being able to lift anything more than a small bag of sugar! and im glad we did :) So to start we cleaned out the garage to make room and then hooked the 6B to the crane!

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Me?? excited?? oh you betcha! ive only been weaiting 10months for this day to arrive! so i was buzzing to say the least!

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So the 1st "test" fitting, it went ok we had to remove all but two of the engine mounts to make more room, but finaly had to abort as we had picked the engine up a bit off centre and i wasnt happy we could get it in without breaking something!

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So back out it came, a re-shuffle of how it was being held, and then back on with the job!

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My favourite tool was never far from hand ;)

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It was a seriously hot day (for the UK anyway!) but with a regular supply of cold drinks and sandwiches (thanks hunny!) we got it in and all the pipes, connections etc plugged in and ready to go, however due to having no interior i couldnt start the car yet that would have to wait for another day. I also got all over excited and fitted my radiator, JDM plastic head lights, Vision amber corner lights and CF bonnet - i was grining like an idiot by the end of the day! we all worked solidly till around 6pm, then buggered off to the pub for a bite to eat and lots of cold drinks!

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Big big thanks to both the bens for their help - i really couldnt have done this on my own so thankies muchos!

Day 9 - a total none event in terms of the project, i decided that after 9 days of pritty much 6-12hrs a day - we all went to JAPS show at thorsby park, which ment for a very early start - and me getting a lift!

Had a damn good day off tho, a good car show, nice relaxed atmosphere with good mates!

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Yay munkee!

Thanks to Ben and Dave for the passenger rides/lifts!

Day 10 - Back on with the project!

Ahhh dont you just love mondays? not really, today was the LSi's MOT re-test after failing last week, so again i didnt expect to get a heck of alot done today on the project. After I dropped clay off at work, and procceded to my parents for its "pre mot re-test" inspection, and then its mot, which this time it passed with flying colours - hurray!

Then it was then off to a local scrap yard for a few odds anmd sods that i needed for the project - so i didnt get going on the car till gone 2pm - knowing full well that i would have to stop at 4:30 to go get clay.

So i got the passenger side rear hub all on and connected up including the brakes etc and that was pritty much it!

However another good thing was that my Energy suspension bushes for the shift linkage, steering rack and front 24mm roll bar arrived from the states - so once i got back from pickjing up clay i got the front cross member off again and fitted all the bushes!

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The bushes where pritty easy to get out, and then replace, using the bench vice and my trusty hammer got the job done i nno time at all really!

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Guess where my socks came up to lol!

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So day 11 holds refitting the cross member, fitting the shift linkage, and the front antiroll/sway bar, get the drive shafts in, the front hubs on and all the front brakes connected up - alot to do and as normal not alot of time to do it. It also looks like its gonna be another hot day so time for more sun cream!

Ill try and update tonight but again it depends how tired iam so please do bear with me and thanks for reading!

Chris Gee


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