Sunday, June 25, 2006

Day 2 - a more lazy hot day.....

Well day 2 cometh, and tbh i knew before i started i didnt have a heck of alot to do, with people comeing over it was gonna be more of a chat and talk day, than a get stuff done day.

So i set out at around 10am (yes im a lazy git) spent a bit of time in the morning on the webulon chatting on msn and the usual.

So i started, but didnt have much of an atention span, i kept starting one job, lasting maybe 10mins, then while going to the garage for a tool being distracted and starting on something else... its just been one of those days i guess.

Anway today i got the heater out (finaly the little sod tryed to fight with me - it should know better), also removed the interior wire loom which as you may or may not know runs all the way into the front head lights - que my distraction as i then started to remove the pedals, and the clutch lines and master cylinder, and some of the brake lines....

Anywho here how the interior looks on the end of day 2, all ready for a damn good wash down!

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Which all lead to me deciding to prep the engine for removal tomorrow - disconnecting all wires, all pipes, fuel lines, coolant lines etc, so nows its just held by the 5 mounts and the gear linkage.

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Its like a little over crowded D13 island in a vast sea of white lol

Im hoping to borrow an engine crane 1st thing in the morning then the engine shouldnt take above an hour or so to get out (he says - talk about cursing the job) And i even have an 8mm drift ready for the gear linkage pin - *shock and awe at the prep skills* lol

Since i needed access to the gear linkage - and i needed the engine out, i thought i might as well disconnect and remove the "chavy" exhaust that was fitted to the car when i got it, to my shock it came off rather easy, tho i did just cut the rubber mounts in half to save time.

Its at this point i would like to rant at exhaust fitters all over the world: For the love of all that is good and pure in the world - use std size sodding nuts and bolts please!!!! theres nothing quite as annoying as scrambling on your back under a car thats maybe 2" away form your face, only to find the bolts used arent a 10/12/14/17/19 - you know STD HONDA SIZES!!! no sir'y bob, they used a 13mm/11mm so back to scrambling out, to grab what you hope is the right size, and back under again - repeat till the right size/combination of spanners/sockets is found.

I ask: is it so hard to find a 12mm bolt and 12mm nut??? i mean please we arnt odd and french ffs (so to you frenchies but pugs do use 13mm's and the such :P )

And breath.....

So having finaly got the stupid 13mm and 11mm bolt/nut combo off (god could they have used longer bolts i mean really!) i found out that the chavy rear back box was none other than a lovery bit of british engineering in the form of a peco big bore - PMSL.

For those not acquainted with this peice of highly crafted performance part, they are mild steel in design (thus rust like no end), craply made (mine "rattles" when shaken lol) made to "look" that part, and sound crap! More commonly found on "modded" saxo's, corsas, novas (and i dont mean chevy nova's that would be a good car) and other such pos cars.

Dear lord...

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My biggest annoyance about it is that they have cut into the rear bumper to make this shite excuse for a back box fit - thus killing a good rear bumper - so it will have to be chnaged in the future when i have some spare cash flow - boo and sodding hiss i say !

On other notes, a mate came over mid afternoon and i helped him remove his aftermarket manifold and replace with std on his gray EK3 - and very easy it was to do as well, and a lovely looking clean car! - so must thank him kindly for his donation of some real JDM y0! beer :)

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Japans #1 beer so it proclaims, and tho as some ppl will know - im no beer drinker (much prefure vodka stright) im tempted to try some - in the name of science naturaly ;)

Also my garage and back yard are now a total mess, car parts/tools/general crap and oil stains everywhere so i feel it only right to yet again say a big thankyou to my wife for putting up with me, for her on going support and for stepping over countless car parts on her way to putting out the washing lol - love you always hun!

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yay mess....

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Im trying to keep anything out doors as well covered as i can, the english weather being as unpredictable as ever you never know when it will rain, or be 28deg C in the shade!

So thats it for today, day 3 holds an earlyish start tommroow to get the engine crane and then make a start for maybe 10ish, if i have time i also wanna make a start on getting the rear hubs/fuel tank and lines etc off, and i might give the interior a clean - depends on how all the rest goes i guess !

Thanks for reading as always, i hope its intresting!

Take care

Chris Gordon